Eckankar is a non-profit religious organisation and church with its spiritual centre in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The spiritual home of Eckankar is the temple of ECK in Chanhassen, Minnesota.
Visit the Eckankar spiritual home page on
Eckankar has a hierachical structure with the living ECK Master as its spiritual leader. Some 75 volunteer regional spiritual leaders, known as Regional ECK Spiritual Aides (RESAs), report to the ECK Spiritual Centre. A RESA oversees Eckankar activities within the state, province or countries as assigned to him or her, assisted by an organisation of volunteer workers who coordinate regional and local ECK activities.
In South Africa, ECK activities are organised under supervision of a board of trustees who are responsible for the sound administration of the Eckankar South Africa Trust.
ECK Light and Sound Service
The ECK Light and Service is a one-hour service featuring a brief reading from one of the ECK books, the singing of the HU, silent contemplation, and an open discussion of spiritual topic. An ECK Light and Service may be conducted by any ECK priest in good standing.
Introductory Talks, Seminars and Festivals
Eckankar presents public seminars ranging from local introductory talks of ECK to large regional seminars and festivals. Seekers are given the opportunity to learn about the spiritual laws that govern our everyday existance. Many souls come together to explore the ECK teachings by sharing practical examples of the Light and Sound at work in their everyday lives.
Book Discussion Class
Discussion classes are held on a regular basis in the various provinces around the country. Both ECKists and the public are invited to attend book discussions on how to gain the attributes of Soul, Wisdom, Power, Love and Freedom.
Workshops help participants share personal experiences, practical spiritual techniques that can be tried at home. Each person finds his own answers to life’s deepest questions as well as ways and means to unfold spiritually.
To visit the temple of ECK in Minneapolis, visit